Employer Services
Our services are designed to support all aspects of a coherent strategy to engage the full productive potential of US military veterans, from awareness building to hiring, retention and engagement.
Candidate Sourcing
The V2W differenceNationwide network of Veteran Service Organizations, veteran employment specialists, academic institutions and dozens of veteran oriented job boards with unique reach to transitioning military, spouses and job seeking veterans.
VetMatch Predictive HiringPredictive analytics can be up to 5 times more predictive of job success than a resume plus a structured interview. This is especially true for those--like military veterans--whose resumes don't capture their potential on the job.
Features our VetMatch(TM) predictive analytics tool to identify veterans with the highest probability of success for each position, in your business. VetMatch is up 5 times more predictive of job success than a resume plus structured interview.
Hiring Incentives CaptureThe Work Opportunity Tax Credit is especially generous to employers that hire veterans--up to $9,600 per hire. Yet most employers don't take advantage of it.
In partnership with EmployerIncentives.com, we identify eligible veterans, process the paperwork (in any of all 50 states) and ensure that you receive every penny you're entitled to (less EI's modest fees). Nothing for you to do but receive your "found money."
Consulting & Advisory
From our experience creating and launching hundreds of veterans we have a deep knowledge of the transition lifecycle. We VetMatch(TM) predictive analytics tool to identify veterans with the highest probability of success for each position, in your business. VetMatch is up 5 times more predictive of job success than a resume plus structured interview.
Corporate Programs
Corporate programs afford employers and their staff members with opportunities for meaningful engagement in our mission, from individualized support, such as mentoring and coaching, to workplace learning opportunities, such as job shadowing and on the job training, to sponsorship of workplace readiness or career-specific learning.
Employee Engagement |
opportunities for individual employees to get involved as mentors, career coaches and in other volunteer activities that support our mission.
Career Launch Support |
Contribute on-line, self led content for Career On-Ramps designed to give interested veterans a taste for and an opportunity to take the first few steps toward a career in the field. The Career Launch phase is involves individualized support for veterans that supports a veteran Career "On-Ramps"
Workplace Learning |
The biggest obstacle for veterans wishing to enter a new career is not formal training. It's the need to gain real world experience. Your company can provide this essential component through job shadowing, on-the-job learning and other vehicles that afford aspiring veterans a chance to apply their skills in a supportive production environment.
Corporate Sponsorships |
Through their financial support, Corporate Sponsors build goodwill among the veteran community by associating their brand with a commitment to veterans that goes beyond flag waving. Such services as Career Assessment and Workplace Readiness training are carried out in the name of, and on behalf of our Sponsors.